West Bengal, a major state of eastern India, is conspicuous not only for being ruled by an elected Leftist coalition since 1977 (often described as sound 'political stability'), but also for its widely acknowledged successes in fertility transition, execution of redistributive land reform and ...
The longitudinal anthropological age changes in a sample of coastal fishermen in West Bengal are discussed. The results show that some traits follow the trends observed in ageing of Western populations, for instance nasal length and breadth continue to increase throughout life in both sexes. Stature...
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Census: Population: West Bengal (Person) 91,276,115.000 03-01-2011 decadal 03-01-1901 - 03-01-2011 Census: Population: Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Person) 343,709.000 03-01-2011 decadal 03-01-1901 - 03-01-2011 Census: Population: Daman and Diu (Person) 243,247.000 03-01-2011 decad...
West Bengal, Indian state located in the eastern part of the country. It has a peculiar configuration; its breadth varies from 200 miles at one point to hardly 10 miles at another. Although in area West Bengal ranks as one of the smaller states in India,
A number of Indian states match up evenly against some very large countries, including Maharashtra (Japan), West Bengal (Egypt), and Tamil Nadu (Germany). Of course, the largest is Uttar Pradesh (Brazil+Chile), which also happens to measure up to neighboring Pakistan. For people living in ...
Centre for Mathematical Biology and Ecology, Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700032, India Chirodeep Mondal, Ritwika Mondal & Dipak Kesh Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei City, Taiwan Ritwika Mondal Department of Mathematics, Vivekanand...
Cognitive frailty among community-dwelling rural elderly population of West Bengal in India Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 70, 2022, Article 103025 Sayani Das Associations between modifiable risk factors and frailty progression among individuals with pre-frailty Experimental Gerontology, Volume 194, 2...
This objective is to satisfy the goal of increasing the elasticity of service effectiveness by reaching a higher M&E frontier in three of the disaster-prone districts in West Bengal, India. The context of India and West Bengal • People in different parts of the developing world are living ...
Italy: population density by altitude of municipalities 2015 Share of working age population in Italy 2010-2024 Number of households Australia FY 2018, by income per week Number of deaths in Malaysia 2023, by state Literacy rate in West Bengal - by gender 1991-2011 ...