The West Bank is an area of the former British-mandated (1920–47) territory of Palestine west of the Jordan River, claimed from 1949 to 1988 as part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan but occupied from 1967 by Israel. The territory, excluding East Jerus
Components of eastern and western HG ancestry appear highly variable in this boundary region5,18,19 but the wider spatiotemporal genetic implications of the east–west division are unclear. The spatiotemporal mapping of population dynamics east of Europe, including northern and central Asia during ...
South Asia was peopled on an early wave of human migration from out-of-Africa. This wave passed through the coastline of Saudi Arabia and India to Andaman and Nicobar archipelago and possibly to Australia as well. West Asia, on the other hand, served as a corridor for early and historical...
N. Sapiens: a Brief History of Humankind 1st US edn (Harper, 2015). Liu, X. et al. From ecological opportunism to multi-cropping: mapping food globalisation in prehistory. Quat. Sci. Rev. 206, 21–28 (2019). Google Scholar Stevens, C. J. et al. Between China and South Asia: a...
China is situated in eastern Asia, the pacific west coast. The first in the world 3 big country, with 9.6 million square kilometers of land. There are more than 1.3 billion population, is the most populous country in the world. There is a long-established in 5000, with many of the inv...
Adolescent male reproductive health: awareness and behavior among peri-urban and rural boys in West Bengal, India. Int J Men’s Health. 2007;6(2). Hawkes S, Collumbien M. What do men want? Understanding what men in South Asia want from sexual health services. Int J Sex Health. 2007;...
英语翻译1、Average population share of lagest group2、英文缩写中将全球区域划分为West NA/WE LA/Ca Asia EE/FSU SSA对应的怎么翻译?NA/ME LA/Ca 亚洲 EE/FSU SSA Avg.pop.shareof largest group Avg.pop.shareof largest group
The armed separatist forces want the two regions, North West and South West, to secede from the majority French-speaking nation and form a new nation called "Ambazonia".
Using genome-wide data obtained from 25 individuals dated to 33.6–3.4 ka from the Amur region, we show that Tianyuan-related ancestry was widespread in northern East Asia before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At the close of the LGM stadial, the earliest northern East Asian appeared in ...
Coverage of the Global Flood Database is well represented in southeast USA, Central America, South America, southeast Asia, Australia, west Africa and east Africa. a–c, Counts of flood events that passed (b) or failed (a) quality control (QC), and the proportion of events that passed as...