A. Chadwick, "Age structure of the otter (Lutra lutra) population in England and Wales, and problems with cementum ageing," IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 42-49, 2010.Sherrard-Smith, E., Chadwick, E.A., 2010. Age structure of the otter (Lutra lutra) ...
Age is an important parameter in understanding population structure and age-dependent processes such as accumulation of contaminants. In the current study, canines and incisors of sub-adult and mature wild otters (Lutra lutra) from England and Wales were sectioned and incremental cementum lines were...
obtain the denominators, he apportioned census figures by the smoking distribution in the study’s control group. Within each age stratum, he multiplied the total person-time at risk by the rate among the nonsmokers “to estimate the number of cases that would ...
United Kingdom, island country located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. It comprises the whole of the island of Great Britain—which contains England, Wales, and Scotland—as well as the northern portion of the island of Ireland. Its capita
Port Phillip Baywas discovered by Europeans in 1802, when LieutenantJohn Murray and CaptainMatthew Flindersvisited the bay within a few months of each other. This area was then part of the colony ofNew South Wales, and the colony’s governor,Philip Gidley King, instructed the surveyor-general,...
of pediatric patients admitted at the Oncohematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of the Institute for Maternal and Child Health “Burlo Garofolo” of Trieste, Italy. For all 145 recruited patients (87 males, 58 females), the following data were collected: age, sex, volume and duration of ...
have pointed out that while the majority of research about myopia is targeted at school-age children, the usual group for myopia development, rapid progression of myopia is also possible in the third decade of life [18]. Moreover, the progression of myopia was already observed in university ...
Humanity could soon be overwhelmed by one or more of the many challenges it now faces. The window of opportunity is closing as fast as the population is increasing. Our future will be either a Space Age or a Stone Age. — Arthur Woods Arthur Woods and Marco Bernasconi ...
EnglandandWalesonsurvivalfollowingdiagnosisofcancerofthecolonwhereinterestlies indifferencesbetweenageanddeprivationgroups.Weshowthatthefinitemixtureapproach leadstoimprovedmodelfitandestimatesofthecurefractionthatareclosertotheempirical estimates.Thisisparticularlysointheoldestagegroupwherethecurefractionisnotablylower....
Age of first offspring female/male (years) 6/7 Maximum lifespan (years) 30 Maximum lifetime reproductive period of females/males (years) 20/25 Maximum number of broods/progeny per year 1/1 Sex ratio of males at birth (%) 50 Density dependent reproduction none Breeding females (%) 25 SD...