View the Valley Springs, CA population and other interesting demographics including: median age, male to female ratio, marital status, source of income, languages spoken and race breakdown.
439 Valley Springs 190 440 Pollard 189 441 TIE Tollette 187 441 TIE Lexa 187 443 TIE Boles 185 443 TIE Oden 185 445 Dell 184 446 Russell 183 447 Bee Branch 181 448 Ulm 178 449 Wabbaseka 174 450 TIE Gilmore 173 450 TIE Fisher 173 452 TIE Greenway 171 452 TIE We...
Big Springs Bladen Blair Bloomfield Bloomington Blue Hill Blue Springs Boys Town Bradshaw Brady Brainard Brewster Bridgeport Bristow Broadwater Brock Broken Bow Brownville Brule Bruning Bruno Brunswick Burchard Burr Burton Burwell Bushnell Butte Byron ...
Given the risk of habitat alteration or the likelihood of small populations accumulating deleterious mutations through genetic drift, the persistence of lineages in desert springs over thousands to millions of years presents something of an enigma. Fervent debate has erupted over the age and origin of...
Silks in web-building wolf spiders from The Science Breaker (a partner of the University of Geneva) Spiders in winter from the Burke Museum in Seattle Climate change and Arctic amplification from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Earlier springs enable Arctic wolf spiders to produce...
This chapter examines the size, geographic distribution, and selected characteristics of the Jewish population of the US. Section 5.1 addresses the procedures employed to estimate the Jewish population of more than 900 local Jewish communities and parts thereof. Section 5.2 presents the major changes ...
Understanding the factors that limit and regulate wildlife populations requires insight into demographic and environmental processes acting throughout the annual cycle. Here, we combine multi-year tracking data of individual birds with a 26-year demograp
Analysis of Ca. Chlorobium antarcticum viruses revealed the species to be infected by generalist (rather than specialist) viruses with a broad host range (e.g., infecting Gammaproteobacteria) that were present in diverse Antarctic lakes. The marked seasonal decrease in Ca. Chlorobium antarcticum ...
2012). This is especially true in desert springs as these systems are threatened by groundwater withdrawal and reduction of spring connectivity (Rice and Emery 2003). Materials and methods BLNWR is located in the Pecos Valley of the northern Chihuahuan Desert near Roswell, Chaves County, New ...
GA Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA Atlantic City, NJ Auburn-Opelika, AL Auburn, IN Auburn, NY Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC Augusta...