矿产生产 (公吨) 25,256.000 2022 年 2009 - 2022 汽车生产 (单位) 78.000 2004 年 1999 - 2004 白银生产 (公吨) 0.000 2012 年 2008 - 2012 政府和公共财政 数值 频率 范围 合并财政平衡:占国内生产总值的百分比 (%) -4.0 Sep 2024 季 Dec 2005 - Sep 2024 预测:政府开支 (十亿乌拉圭新比索)...
Uruguay3.51.97482 Bosnia and Herzegovina3.31.27580 Mongolia3.32.86675 Armenia3.01.87279 Jamaica3.01.97376 Albania2.91.67780 Qatar2.91.87982 Puerto Rico2.81.27784 Lithuania2.71.77182 Namibia2.63.26167 Gambia2.55.06164 Botswana2.42.86773 Gabon2.33.86569 ...
1. We see that the same is true for all the countries in Africa, South and West Asia, and Latin America, although the arrows are much shorter in some countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, or Uruguay. In East Asia, despite very low fertility and substantial familial support of the elderly...
Aegilops tauschii, the diploid wild progenitor of the D subgenome of bread wheat, is a reservoir of genetic diversity for improving bread wheat performance and environmental resilience. Here we sequenced 242 Ae. tauschii accessions and compared them to t
Location of the experiments The present study was performed at the municipality of Fraile Muerto, Cerro Largo, Uruguay (32° 37′ 10″ S, 54° 28′ 03″ W). The climate type was described as Cfa according to Köppen’s classification (Peel et al. 2007) a subtropical humid climate witho...
Current species composition of Fusarium population affecting the main wheat-growing regions in Uruguay and evolution of their sensitivity to triazoles after long-term applicationdoi:10.1080/09670874.2022.2129509WheatFusarium graminearumfungicide sensitivitytriazoles...
This statistic presents a timeline with projections on the number of inhabitants in Brazil from 2015 to 2030, broken down by age group. In 2018, the source estimated that there were nearly 34.36 million people in the age of 20 to 29 in the South American country, down from 34.43 million ...
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2010,达51.778%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1960,为49.963%。CEIC提供的UY:人口:占总贷款百分比:女性数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于World Bank,数据归类于全球数据库的乌拉圭 –表 UY.世行.WDI:人口和城市化进程统计。