University of California, San Francisco: David Burian, BA; Elyse Chiapello, BASc; Michael Hofmann, MS; Karla Kerlikowske, MD; Lin Ma, MS; Kathy Malvin, BA; Jennette Sison, MPH; and Lisa Vu, MS. University of California, Davis: Diana Miglioretti, PhD. University of North Carolina, Chapel...
Objectives To describe the impact of maternal serum screening on the birth prevalence of Down's syndrome and on the use of amniocentesis and chorionic vil... Tracy Cheffins Public Health Medicine Trainee,Annabelle Chan Senior Medical Consultant,EAH Director,... - 《Bjog An International Journal of...
Linking population trends to species’ traits is informative for the detection of the most important threatening factors and for assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures. Although some previous studies performed such an analysis at local to continental scales, the global-scale focus is the m...
1975. Excess allozyme homozygosity and breeding population structure in the mussel Mytilus californianus. Marine Biology, 32: 303-311.Tracy, M., Bellet, N. and Gravem, C. (1975). Excess allozyme homozygosity and breeding population structure in the mussel, Mytilus californianus. Marine Biology ...
phenotypes differed according to maternal race/ethnicity and nativity.Children born in Los Angeles County with a primary AD diagnosis at ages 3 to 5 years during 1998-2009 were identified and linked to 1995-2006 California birth certificates (7540 children with AD from a cohort of 1,626,354 ...
Dahlen HG, Tracy S, Tracy M, et al. Rates of obstetric intervention and associated perinatal mortality and morbidity among low-risk women giving birth in private and public hospitals in NSW (2000–2008): a linked data population-based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2014;4(5):e004551. PubMed Pub...
Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) are a group of mammals adapted to various aquatic habitats, from oceans to freshwater rivers. We report the sequencing, de novo assembly and analysis of a finless porpoise genome, and the re-sequencing of an ad
In each of the nine combinations of experiment, passage, and S-basal growth conditions (either S-basal +, with tetracycline antibiotic or S-basal -, without tetracyline antibiotic), the average count exceeded 100 by day 5 (or the first counting session after day 5, in the event that ...
Alberg AJ (2002): The influence of cigarette smoking on circulating concentrations of antioxidant micronutrients.Toxicology180, 121–137. ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Alfthan G & Nève J (1996): Reference values for serum selenium in various areas evaluated according to the TRACY protocol.J. Trace Eleme...
Graff-Radford43, Francine Parfitt43, Tracy Kendall43, Heather Johnson43, Christopher H. van Dyck44, Richard E. Carson44, Martha G. MacAvoy44, Pradeep Varma44, Howard Chertkow45, Howard Bergman45, Chris Hosein45, Sandra Black46, Bojana Stefanovic46, Curtis Caldwell46, Ging-Yuek Robin ...