In the absence of their normal predators, the cacti spread more than approximately 25 million ha in New South Wales and Queensland. About half of the area was so densely covered with the cactus that the land could not be used for farming or ranching, and the costs of poisoning or removing...
Australia, more precisely called the "Commonwealth of Australia", is the only nation in the world to cover a whole continent. It consists ofsix states(New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, South AustraliaandWestern Australia) andtwo territories(theNorthern Territoryand the tinyAustralian ...
QUEENSLANDAUSTRALIAURBAN land useSUBURBSPOPULATION densityURBAN densityCITIES & townsURBAN growthNONLINEAR regressionTotal imperviousness (residential and non-residential) increases with population growth in many regions around the world. Population density has been used to predict the total impervio...
In this way, we define a mine-town system as a network of socio-economic connections between resource inventories and town systems. A mining project, as part of the resource inventory, provides functions (e.g. employment) for dependent towns, while towns provide the demographic content (e.g....
the data for all 39 countries, where available, so you can compare the figures for yourself. By using a more sophisticated measure, we can gain a more nuanced perspective of settlement patterns and relative densities and, hopefully, better capture the reality on the ground in towns and cities...
This group consists mostly of farmers who have relocated to cities and towns without official residential status. Temporary migration has a number of benefits, including improved labor mobility, greater economic growth, reduced rural unemployment, and lower man-land ratio in rural areas. However it ...
the ratio of people living outside capital cities to those living within these cities have been declining in all six States. Historically, Australia opted for a regulatory approach that favoured in favouring satellite towns around state capitals, such as Newcastle and the Gold Coast, over the ...
Our results indicate that Wolbachia -induced extinctions in central Queensland are possible, although they may eventually be compromised by ongoing mosquito migration between towns until these sources are also suppressed. The results highlight a novel use of deleterious Wolbachia infections to achieve ...
This evidence-based approach also enables training organisations to engage with local communities, health services and government to address the sustainable development of the long-term GP workforce in these towns.doi:10.1186/s12913-018-3788-0McGrail, Matthew R....
Nuijs, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Adrian Covaci, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Jochen Mueller, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Over the last decade, wastewater-based epidemiology has become a solid approach to back-estimate illicit drug use in a population. ...