Based on the carapace width frequency distribution, the Swansea and Gower population was composed mainly of males belonging to the first and second age-class (1 and 2), and of females belonging to the third and fourth age-class (3 and 4). Sex ratio was 1.126 卤 0.27 in favour of males...
Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind and she chose to live alone far away from people. She lives in Belize — a county the size of Wales with a population only that of Swansea. Her home is at Gales Point a tiny village which can
阅读理解 Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind, and she chose to live alone far away from people.She lives in Belize-a country, the size of Wales.with a population only that of Swansea.Her home is at Gales Point, a tiny village which can be re
Department of Biosciences, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom Nahaa M. Alotaibi, Luca Börger & James C. Bull Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Nahaa M. Alotaibi School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, UK ...
Between 2011–2014, there were 1606 infants born at <32 weeks of gestation and admitted to a neonatal unit in Wales. Table 2 summarises the demographics for the whole cohort of infants. While the birth SDS were comparable with the reference data (UK1990 or LMS), SDS were significantly lowe...
University of PatrasMao, XuerongUniversity of StrathclydeYuan, ChengguiUniversity of Wales SwanseaSpringer, Berlin, HeidelbergInternational Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and ControlLygeros, J., Mao, X., Yuan, C., Stochastic hybrid delay population dynamics. Hybrid systems: computation and ...
There were more horses less than 30 years old than expected in Cardiff (CF), Southampton (SO) and Swansea (SA) postcode areas. After all of these exclusions described above, were made, a low estimate for the population of horses in mainland GB which are most likely to be alive (30 ...
Graduating from Swansea University College, Bowen was recruited by Robert Watson-Watt, the 'father' of radar, and developed the transmitter for ground-based radar. This crucial technological advantage that Britain held over Germany may never have been developed into an earlywarning system after a de...
G. Smaldon1. Department of Zoology, University College of Swansea, Swansea, S. Wales, UK ;Springer-VerlagMarine BiologySmaldon, G. 1972. Population structure and breeding biology of Pisidia longicornis and Porcellana platycheles. Mar. Biol. 17: 171-179....
This paper reports the preliminary findings of a survey of lead and cadmium body burdens in a nonoccupationally exposed population in Swansea, Wales, using the techniques of in vivo neutron activation and X-ray fluorescence analysis. Some measurements on an occupationally cadmium-exposed group are ...