Pune, city, west-central Maharashtra state, western India, at the junction of the Mula and Mutha rivers. Called ‘Queen of the Deccan,’ Pune is the cultural capital of the Maratha peoples. The city first gained importance as the capital of the Bhonsle M
Satara, city, southwestern Maharashtra state, western India. It is located west of the confluence of the Krishna and Venna rivers, southeast of Pune. The city was named for the walls of its fort, numbering 17 (Marathi: satara); the fort was built by the
Sangli, city, southern Maharashtra state, western India. It lies in a upland region along the Krishna River, about 20 miles (32 km) east-northeast of Kolhapur. Sangli is the former capital (1761–1947) of Sangli state. The city’s original name was Sahag
Population Melchor Alpízar * , Tamara Daniela Frydman , José de Jesús Reséndiz-Rojas, Miguel Alejandro Trejo-Rangel and Jesús Manuel De Aldecoa-Castillo * Specialized Centre for Diabetes, Obesity and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mexico City 11650, Mexico; tfrydman@cedopec.com (T.D.F...