The implication of population expression level and expression diversity under different envi- groennems ienntots9.g roSuipnscbeaEspedanodn EthdewcehraentgwesooifnEdpexanesd potentially weighting the roles in Ed (Supplementary Fig. S2). About adaptation, we divided 43% of transcripts were ...
Spatial and temporal population genetic structures of the common sole,Solea solea, were studied in Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea populations, using three polymorphic exon-primed intron-crossing (EPIC) markers. Results demonstrated significant multilocus differentiation among Eastern Mediterranean an...
(University of Hamburg) for Epac1-camps and Epac2-camps300 cDNA; Lei Ma, Vivek Unni and Sydney Boutros (Oregon Health & Science University, OHSU) and Josh Melander (Stanford University) for training and advice on in vivo surgery; Kevin Wright (Vollum Institute) for immunoprecipitation ...
ahow common the outcome is in the population already, the size of the change in exposure and the number of people that are affected by the exposure. The number of people exposed is controlled by the decisions in modelling in the EIA. An artefact of the process is that the larger the ...
Antarctica harbors the bulk of the species diversity of the dominant teleost fish suborder—Notothenioidei. However, the forces that shape their evolution are still under debate. We sequenced the genome of an icefish, Chionodraco hamatus, and used popula
33]. Cell disruption through mechanical damage leads to the oxidation of phenolic compounds by polyphenol oxidases (PPO), leading to the formation of melanin pigments that give a brown colouration to the flesh [34]. Cellular damage through mechanical impact is common throughout all stages of ...
Networks have been established as an extremely powerful framework to understand and predict the behavior of many large-scale complex systems. We studied network motifs, the basic structural elements of networks, to describe the possible role of co-occurr
Sixteen mtDNA control region haplotypes were identified (Table 7) with little or no evidence of partitioning among populations. The most common haplotypes (PG03 and PG06) were evenly distributed across the four collection locations. Only the rare haplotypes; for example PG10, PG15 and PG16, wer...
High quality reference genomes are crucial to understanding genome function, structure and evolution. The availability of reference genomes has allowed us to start inferring the role of genetic variation in biology, disease, and biodiversity conservation
Habitat loss is one of the primary causes for extinction of freshwater cetacean populations (e.g., Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) [7]) and for critically endangering species (e.g., Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris), Ganges River dolphins (Platanista gangetica) [8,9,10], and Yangtze ...