Implications of Population Changes in NSW Country Towns 1954–1961doi:10.1080/00049999.1965.11509851LoganM. I.Australian Planner
In Australia, dingoes have adapted to human presence, sometimes living in close proximity to towns. Using a targeted camera trap survey and spatial capture‐recapture models, we estimated spatial variation in the population density and detection rates of dingoes on Worimi Country in the Grea...
NSW public schools to be fully funded by 2034, leaving Queensland as only state outside deal•Mar. 3, 2025, 2:28 AM ET (The Guardian) Queensland Queensland, state of northeasternAustralia, occupying the wettest and most tropical part of the continent. It is bounded to the north and east...
2.2. Selection of Villages and Wards The state has 22 districts divided into 81 tehsils (sub-districts), containing 12,581 villages and 217 towns and cities. Of the towns and cities, 18 have >100,000 humans and 199 have <100,000 humans (