The populations of both Northland and Waikato grew 2.4 percent over the past year, compared with Auckland's 2.6 percent, Stats NZ said, adding that Auckland's population grew 42,700 to 1.66 million, with 28,900 more people arriving than leaving. In the June 2017 year, half of New Zealand...
The grazing turbinid gastropod Lunella smaragda was sampled regularly over 3.5 y from precise sites of different microtopography and height on the platform shore at Goat Island Beach near Leigh, Northland, New Zealand. Growth is linear for over 3 y, and the year‐classes distinct. The position...
Another biogeographic boundary separates Northland from the rest of the North Island, which we see in the NNI genetic cluster. Thus, the NNI and SI genetic clusters are separated according to recognized biogeographic boundaries, but the split between the NIWS and NIE clusters is not a commonly ...
2009). As detailed in Appendix S2.1, SNPs were called through the mpileup and call commands in BCFtools version 1.13 (Li 2011) based on three subsets of individuals – the entire dataset (ALL dataset: 814 individuals; 1024 samples including replicates), a New Zealand-only dataset (NZ dataset...
DepartmentofBiochemistry,UniversityofOtago,Dunedin; b NationalResearchCentreforGrowthand Development,UniversityofAuckland,Auckland; c LigginsInstitute,UniversityofAuckland,Auckland;and d DepartmentofPathology, DunedinSchoolofMedicine,UniversityofOtago,Dunedin,NewZealand Objective:ToexamineanIVFcohortforimprintedand...
There was also no significant mitochondrial structure observed between two genetic clusters identified using whole-genome data obtained from the high-throughput sequences used for this study (p = 0.104) (Northern cluster: Northland, Hauraki, Bay of Plenty, East Cape, Gisborne, and Southern ...
Materials and methods A retrospective cohort study was performed of women carrying a singleton, cephalic pregnancy at term and who had one previous lower segment caesarean section in Northland, NZ. The probabilities of successful VBAC were calculated using the variables in the Grobman model and ...