Cameroon, Republic of27.24.45961 Côte d'Ivoire27.14.55760 North Korea25.91.96976 Australia25.81.88286 Niger25.16.66264 Burkina Faso21.55.06263 Sri Lanka21.52.27481 Mali20.95.65961 Malawi19.64.06268 Chile19.21.67883 Romania19.11.67380
Each division resulted in a capitalist country (South Korea, Taiwan, and West Germany) and a communist country (North Korea, China, and East Germany).[165] [166] [167] [168] [169] When they were originally divided, each pair had: lower population densities in the communist countries than...
Published by Aaron O'Neill, Jul 4, 2024 The statistic shows the total population of South Korea from 2019 to 2022, with projections up until 2029. In 2022, the total population of South Korea was about 51.67 million people. Population of South Korea South Korea, also called Republic of ...
North Korea26M Syria23M Sri Lanka22M Kazakhstan20M Cambodia18M Tajikistan11M Azerbaijan10M Jordan10M United Arab Emirates10M Israel10M Laos8M Hong Kong8M Kyrgyzstan7M Turkmenistan6M Lebanon6M Singapore6M Oman6M Georgia4M Mongolia4M Qatar3M Armenia3M ...
56 PRK North Korea Pyongyang Asia 26069416 25867467 25258015 24686435 23367059 20799523 17973650 14996879 120538 216.2755 1.0038 0.33 154 150 MKD North Macedonia Skopje Europe 2093599 2111072 2107962 2093828 2037936 2044174 1907023 1656783 25713 81.4218 0.9954 0.03 155 210 NFK Northern Mariana Islands Saipan...
Article Open access 20 April 2024 Introduction Anosmia means the loss of the sense of smell. It is also commonly used to indicate a decreased sense of smell. Prevalence of anosmia has diverse ranges according to study design. In previous studies, its prevalence has been estimated at 1.42 ∼...
South Korea52M Iraq45M Afghanistan44M Saudi Arabia37M Uzbekistan37M Malaysia34M Yemen33M Nepal32M North Korea26M Syria23M Sri Lanka22M Kazakhstan20M Cambodia18M Tajikistan11M Azerbaijan10M Jordan10M United Arab Emirates10M Israel10M Laos8M
56 PRK North Korea Pyongyang Asia 26069416 25867467 25258015 24686435 23367059 20799523 17973650 14996879 120538 216.2755 1.0038 0.33 154 150 MKD North Macedonia Skopje Europe 2093599 2111072 2107962 2093828 2037936 2044174 1907023 1656783 25713 81.4218 0.9954 0.03 155 210 NFK Northern Mariana Islands Saipan...
North Korea26M Syria23M Sri Lanka22M Kazakhstan20M Cambodia18M Tajikistan11M Azerbaijan10M Jordan10M United Arab Emirates10M Israel10M Laos8M Hong Kong8M Kyrgyzstan7M Turkmenistan6M Lebanon6M Singapore6M Oman6M Georgia4M Mongolia4M Qatar3M Armenia3M ...
Life expectancy & Rates (2024) Male: 74.94 years Female: 78.99 years Total: 76.87 years Median Age: 30.81 years Birth Rate: 15.47 Death Rate: 5.61 Growth Rate: 1.76 % Fertility Rate: 1.91Population Data Graphs Total population Birth & Death rate Life expectancy Median Age Population structure ...