Upper Guinea is composed of theNigerPlains, which slope northeastward toward theSahara. The flat relief is broken by rounded granite hills and outliers of the Fouta Djallon. Composed of granite, gneiss, schist (crystalline rock), and quartzite, the region has an average elevation of about 1,...
Asia’s Population by Country With 4.7 billion people in 2022, Asia is by far the world’s most populous region. The continent is dominated by the two massive population centers of China and India. In 2023, a big shift will occur, with India surpassing China to become the world’s most...
b) Webpage: “The World Factbook: Explore All Countries—Greenland: North America.” Central Intelligence Agency. Last updated December 19, 2023. <www.cia.gov> “Area … total: 2,166,086 sq km … land: 2,166,086 sq km (approximately 1,710,000 sq km ice-covered) … Population 57,...
000 to 300,000 years, i.e, Humans were early traced between 198,000 B.C - 298,000 B.C. ByContinentswise Asia dominates currently with 4.4 Billion, Africa with 1.2 billion, Europe with 738 million and North-South America and others by 1.4 Billion, Population of the world in 2021 is ...
Region Worldwide Survey time period mid-2024 Supplementary notes The statistical data were calculated by Statista using the information provided in the source. The data originate from statistical yearbooks and bulletins from the respective countries. In addition to this, publications of the United ...
Ohio, constituent state of the U.S. It is bordered by Lake Erie and Michigan to the north, Pennsylvania to the east, West Virginia and Kentucky to the south, and Indiana to the west. Ohio ranks 34th in terms of total area among the 50 states, and it is o
Its population density isn’t a recent development, either. Prior to European exploration, California’sNative Americanpopulation was the densest of any area north of Mexico, and the region was the most culturally and linguistically diverse.
America's largest city is New York City, by far. See how the country's other big cities compare, ranked by order of population.
Billionaires by Region We’ll begin by zooming out to look at how various continents and world regions rank in terms of their billionaire population. North America is home to most billionaires, worth $4.6 trillion. The U.S., unsurprisingly, accounts for the majority of this wealth, with 975...
Air pollution remains as a substantial health problem, particularly regarding the combined health risks arising from simultaneous exposure to multiple air pollutants. However, understanding these combined exposure events over long periods has been hinder