South Island, island, the larger and southernmost of the two principal islands of New Zealand, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. South Island is separated from North Island to the north by Cook Strait and from Stewart Island to the south by Foveaux Stra
a Ellenville, NY◆ b New York, Milford, NY, PATwaite, James A.a Ellenville, NY◆ b New York, Milford, NY, PAJournal of Child Sexual AbuseScher D, Twaite JA (1999). The relationship between child sexu- al abuse and alexithymic symptoms in a population of re- covering adult ...
Vitamin K is a multifunctional micronutrient essential for human health, and deficiency has been linked to multiple pathological conditions. In this study, we aimed to develop and validate a new food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to estimate total vitamin K intake, over the course of a 30-day ...
Recently, we conducted a study on the response of free-living planktonic bacteria (0.2–3 μm) to a diatom-dominated spring bloom at Helgoland Roads (southern German Bight, 54°11’N 7°54’E)17. Chlorophyllaand microscopic bacterial count data across a three-month time period from the...
However, for triclosan, PA, 4-OH-BzP, and BPF the calibration curves failed and hence these compounds have been excluded from the data analyses. Pre- and post-extraction spiked matrix samples were used as QA/QC samples and were made by spiking a known amount of target analytes and internal...