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Increasingly, scRNA-Seq studies explore cell populations across different samples and the effect of sample heterogeneity on organism’s phenotype. However, relatively few bioinformatic methods have been developed which adequately address the variation be
Mendelian Randomization (MR) studies are threatened by population stratification, batch effects, and horizontal pleiotropy. Although a variety of methods have been proposed to mitigate those problems, residual biases may still remain, leading to highly s
which we refer to as “protected areas”, with reference to both the protection status of the land and protection status of wolverine from harvest within the parks. In the adjacent “unprotected areas”
In developed countries, it is gener- ally accepted that women are giving birth at a later age, have a higher BMI and are less likely to smoke (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2021b; Morgan et al. 2014; Azagba et al. 2020). Public discourse around this topic is ...
Preeclampsia (PE) represents a critical stage of HDP that poses severe threats to maternal and fetal safety. This study aimed to determine the relationship between MPO and TIMP1 polymorphisms and the risk of PE in the Chinese Han population. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including MPO ...
The population on Cousin Island (4°20’S,55°40’E; 0.29 km2)—which has been extensively monitored since 1985 [48, 49] has a carrying capacity of ca. 320 adult individuals, existing in ca. 115 territories [48, 63, 64]. There is virtually no migration to or from Cousin [65]. ...
Causal inference via Mendelian randomization requires making strong assumptions about horizontal pleiotropy, where genetic instruments are connected to the outcome not only through the exposure. Here, we present causal Graphical Analysis Using Genetics (
In response to the ongoing decline of fauna worldwide, there has been growing interest in the rewilding of whole ecosystems outside of fenced sanctuaries o
The study was carried out on the population of Seychelles warblers inhabiting Cousin Island (29 ha; 04° 20′ S, 55° 40′ E), which has been monitored as part of a long-term research project since 1985 [51,54,55]. The population on Cousin consists of ca. 320 adult individuals which...