n = 26), Slovenia - SLO (n = 18), Serbia - SRB (n = 29), Bosnia and Herzegovina - BIH (n = 29), Montenegro - MNE (n = 11), Hungary - HUN (n = 17) and samples of Apis mellifera ligustica (AML) from Italy - ITA (n = 25) as an outgro...
8Altmetric Metrics Abstract The field of pharmacogenomics was initiated in the 1950s and began to thrive after the completion of the human genome project 10 years ago. Thus far, more than 100 drug labels and clinical guidelines referring to pharmacogenomic biomarkers have been published, and several...
B. viridisis a Least Concern (LC) moss of Europe but is a threatened species in many countries: it is Critically Endangered (CR) in Serbia, Montenegro, and Italy, Endangered (EN) in Finland, Greece, Hungary, Romania and Vulnerable (VU) in Andorra, Great Britain, Spain, Czech Republic, ...