Des Moines metro area grows 13% in 1990s; Census figures: Waterloo area loses populationASSOCIATED PRESS
The city of Waukee has been rapidly growing in the past decade, going from 13,790 in 2010 to almost 20,000 by the end of the decade. It’s a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa, and has experienced growth thanks to an Apple Inc. data center campus in the works. #99. Mission, Kansas Canv...
This chapter examines the size, geographic distribution, and selected characteristics of the Jewish population of the US. Section 5.1 addresses the procedures employed to estimate the Jewish population of more than 900 local Jewish communities and parts thereof. Section 5.2 presents the major changes ...
This chapter examines the size, geographic distribution, and selected characteristics of the Jewish population of the US. Section 5.1 addresses the procedures employed to estimate the Jewish population of more than 900 local Jewish communities and parts
This chapter examines the size, geographic distribution, and selected characteristics of the Jewish population of the US. Section 1 addresses the procedures employed to estimate the Jewish population of more than 900 local Jewish communities and parts thereof. Section 2 presents the major changes in ...
Des Moines, city, capital of Iowa, U.S., and seat (1845) of Polk county. The city lies on the Des Moines River at its juncture with the Raccoon River in the south-central part of the state. Situated in the heart of the Corn Belt, it is the focus of Iowa