The current (2024) population of India and the total population of India based on the 2011 census.
The sex ratio of Indian population has always been a topical interest for the demographers social scientists women's groups research scholars and various planners and policy makers. This paper is an attempt to study the ratio percentage of female population in India over the male population. This...
partly because of the male-controlled family planning method of withdrawal, which: is supported by Islamic scriptures “as a viable means of male-enacted contraception.” is viewed as a safe and more natural method than female-controlled methods. does not involve the use of condoms, which ...
Census: Population: Rajasthan: Female data was reported at 32,997,440.000 Person in Mar 2011. This records an increase from the previous number of 27,087,177.000 Person for Mar 2001. Census: Population: Rajasthan: Female data is updated decadal, averagin
.7810.6810.6810.8410.8411.6411.6411.1411.1410.8910.899.939.9310.3810.3810.4410.4410.9110.9110.0310.038.328.326.226.223.983.983.913.91MaleFemaleUnder 55 to 910 to 1415 to 1920 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4445 to 4950 to 5455 to 5960 to 6465 to 6970 to 7475 to 7980 to 8485 and over...
The pellet-plot counting method was used to estimate the density of three ungulate species,including sambar deer,wild boar and barking deer,which are the major prey species of tigers in the region. Results indicate that at least 3 different individuals,a male and two female Indochinese tigers,...
a 1:1 ratio for male to female offspring because of the Mendelian mode of inheritance of sex chromosomes—theoretically half of the offspring would possess the XY genotype, thus developing into males; and if the cost to produce either sex is equal, parity in adult sex ratio is expected4,6...
Populations of nations, regions, continents, islands, or cities, however, are rarely closed in the same way. If the assumption of a closed population is relaxed, in- and out-migration can increase and decrease population size in the same way as do births and deaths; thus, the population (...
Increased elevation was associated with increased water availability and female frequency, likely owing to sex-specific water use efficiency and survival. Recent aridification caused male frequency tomove upslope at 175meters per decade, a rate of trait shift outpacing reported species' range shifts by...
Perform QA/QC to ensure that for each administrative unit a sum of male and female equates to total population Join new table data to spatial boundaries based on administrative unit unique IDs Export the temporary join to a geodatabase feature class ...