Volume 1 Ͳ International Historical Statistics 1750Ͳ2010: Africa, Asia and Oceania 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1 A4 ASIA: POPULATION OF MAJOR CITIES (in thousands) Adana Agra 1...doi:10.1057/9781137305688_13Palgrave Macmillan Ltd...
doi:10.1057/978-1-137-30568-8_121 A4 AFRICA: POPULATION OF MAJOR CITIES (in thousands) Abidjan Accra Addis Ababa Alexandria 1 Algiers 3 Bamako Bangui Brazzaville Cairo 4 Cape Town 5 Casablanca Dakar Douala dar es Salaam Durban Fez...Palgrave Macmillan Ltd...
For natural resources, a rising real price has been argued by many to be a potentially good measure of increasing scarcity….”[56] * Since 1900, the inflation-adjusted prices of major resources have varied as follows: [57] * Since 1960, the inflation-adjusted prices of various major ...
Zhengzhou, in central China, is a major transportation hub. It's also an important city in China's ancient history, because it was the capital of the Shang Dynasty, one of China's earliest recorded dynasties that existed from approximately 1600 to 1046 B.C.E. The nearby Shaolin Temple and...
Based on three regression models (i.e., linear, power function, and exponential), the present study discusses the relationship between DMSP/OLS nighttime light data and the UP and establishes optimal regression models for simulating the UPs of 339 major cities in China from 1990 to 2010. In ...
General Statistics about Chinese Cities: China Population Statistics and Population Data of China Provinces Running water system coverage in urban area is 88.8%. Gas system coverage in urban area is 81.6%. Average green land/per person in urban area: 7.4 square meters. ...
THE CHANGING SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF HONG KONG'S POPULATION: AN ANALYSIS OF THE 1991 POPULATION CENSUS The Hong Kong Government recently released the major findings of the 1991 Population Census. A comparison of these with the findings of previous censuses revealed a certain degree of stability in ...
"While existing transport infrastructure serves inner city areas well, people living on the outskirts of our major cities are being disadvantaged by a lack of access to frequent public transport services. This impacts their ability to access jobs, education and other opportunities to improve their qu...
Since the early 1980s, such an invisible wall has gradually fallen as a result of economic reform; however, as most members of the floating population are not granted the local urban Hukou status in their migration destinations, the Hukou system is still a major factor leading to the ...
Generally, sanitation refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. Inadequate sanitation is a major cause of disease world-wide and improving sanitation is known to have a significant beneficial impact on health both in households and across com...