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Access the most recent census population information for Madison, Wisconsin, including a population profile and history.
Access the most recent census population information for Madisonville, Tennessee, including a population profile and history.
In: Gale Johnson D, Lee RD (eds) Population growth and economic development: Issues and evidence. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, pp 661–702 Google Scholar Download references Author information Author notes David Lam Present address: IPEA/INPES, Av. Pres. Antonio Carlos, 51, andar ...
populationthe number of people in a family 人口汉英翻译 population人口; 族群; the number of people in a family家口;人口; populace百姓; 平民; 人口; 词组短语 人口爆炸population explosion 人口变动change of population 人口变迁理论population change theory ...
242 Madison 717 243 Quitman 700 244 Natural Steps 686 245 TIE Lacey 684 245 TIE Tyronza 684 247 Rockport 680 248 Bradford 679 249 Amity 676 250 Altus 675 251 Ozark Acres 664 252 Knoxville 662 253 TIE Altheimer 657 253 TIE Sardis 657 255 Wickes 653 256 Bauxite 644 ... Bioinformatics. In order to identify the isolated macroparasites from wolves and ungulates at the species level, we merged the Sanger sequenced forward and reverse reads using the programme SeqMan implemented in Lasergene (DNASTAR Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA)...
THE REAL REMEDY: REDUCTION IN THE EXPENSIVENESS OF MEDICAL TRAINING and Hospital Servicesin Rural and Urban Communities in Wisconsin, 1910-1960" (Madison, W. University of Wisconsin Department of Rural Sociology, May 1966); John Noms, "The Country Doctor in BritishColumbia: 1887-1975," BC ...
Population Growth and Economic Development: Issues and Evidence, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. Google Scholar Kelley, Allen C. (1991). “The Human Development Index: ‘Handle with care’” Population and Development Review (17,2): 315–324. Article Google Scholar Kelley, Allen...
Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle Google Scholar Fick GN, Miller JF (1997) Sunflower breeding. In: Scheiter AA (ed) Sunflower production and technology. Amer Society Agron, Madison, pp 395–440 Google Scholar Fusari CM, Lia VV, Hopp HE, Heinz RA, Paniego ...