While Human Factors (HF) methods have been applied to the design of decision support systems (DSS) to aid clinical decision-making, the role of HF to improve decision-support for population health outcomes is less understood. We sought to comprehensively understand how HF methods have been used...
Because of COVID-19, the facility has fewer volunteers able to help out and fewer donations to fund its work. In the past it was able to hold a two-day open house during summer to help raise money but cannot because of the pandemic. Got a news tip? Email:heather.colpitts...
Theory and Design Tools for Studies of Reactions to Abrupt Changes in Noise Exposure; (NASA/CR-2000-210280); NASA Langley Research Center: Hampton, VA, USA, 2000. Brown, A.L.; van Kamp, I. Response to a change in transport noise exposure: A review of evidence of a change effect. J...
Vancouver, city, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. It is the major urban center of western Canada and the focus of one of the country’s most populous metropolitan regions. The city is just north of the U.S. state of Washington. It has a fine natura