PopulationProjectionsforJapan(2023revision) TheNationalInstituteofPopulationandSocialSecurityResearchhasconductedanewnationalpopulationprojectionexerciseandpublishedtheresultsas“PopulationProjectionsforJapan(2023revision).”Theprojectionsarebasedonthelatestdatafromthebasiccompletetabulationonpopulationfromthe2020populationcensusand...
The population shrank in the three major metropolitan areas--Tokyo, Kansai and Nagoya--although the city of Tokyo saw an increase for the first time in three years, driven by people moving to the capital from elsewhere in Japan. Meanwhile, the population of foreign nationals living in Japan i...
All data obtained from vital statistics and the fertility survey indicate that the population of Japan will have a heavy burden of increasing old ages in the near future, because the attitude toward the number of children among Japanese women is to have fewer children (but not to have no chil...
In Japan, pregnant women with BMIs from 18.5–25 kg/m2are recommended to limit their weight gain to 7–12 kg during pregnancy12. In contrast, the recommended weight gain in the US is 11.3–15.9 kg for women in the same BMI group13. Moreover, the recommended weight gain is ...
Western Eurasia witnessed several large-scale human migrations during the Holocene1–5. Here, to investigate the cross-continental effects of these migrations, we shotgun-sequenced 317 genomes—mainly from the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods—from acros
Population-based surveys were conducted three times in the same region, in 1985, 1999, and 2006, at Fujieda City, Shizuoka, Japan, and the results were reported previously. We compared the results of these surveys to reveal the time trend in the prevalence of adult asthma. Although the ...
It records an increase from the last reported number of 19.964 Person mn in Dec 2023 Looking ahead, Kazakhstan Population is projected to stand at 21.024 Person mn in Dec 2028 The data is updated yearly and is categorized in CEIC under World Trend Plus’s Country Forecast – Table IMF.WEO:...
estimate population exposure based on a decade-long average, with the two red triangles representing estimates for the two decades of 2000–2020. This comparison indicates that: (1) the increasing trend from 2002 to 2019 is robust to model choice, and we observe this pattern with all three ...
of all projections is 2028. Furthermore, these datasets show three types of trajectories after reaching the population peak. The NUIST reveals the most slowly population decreasing trend, and it thinks the population will be 1.24 billion in 2100, which is the highest in nine datasets. The UN ...
Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda has said an aging population could pose "serious challenges" for central banks, as it undercuts economies' growth potential and requires them to use more monetary firepower than before to boost growth. Also on the agenda under Japan's...