The current (2025) population of India and the total population of India based on the 2011 census.
What percentage of world population resides in India ? A14% B16% C17.5% D20%Submit ___, the biggest state in terms of area, has only 5.6 per cent of the total population of India. AMaharashtra BAndhra Pradesh CRajasthan DMadhya PradeshSubmit More than 70 per cent of livestock population...
This chapter first lays out the context, scope, and magnitude of India's demographic changes. The study is based on Secondary data. This paper focused on the Percentage of Workforce participation by age, gender, and place of residence in Rural male was highest above 15 to 59 age compared ...
"Improvements in nutrition, years of schooling, sanitation and cooking fuel played a significant role in bringing down poverty," said Suman Bery, vice-chairman of the NITI Aayog, the government think-tank that released the report. The percentage of the population living in ...
India and China (2) ___ has the highest population density(密度), and ___ has the second highest. A. China, India B. India, China C. India, the US D. China, the US (3) Which two countries have the closest percentage of cultivated land? A. The US and the United Kingdom. B....
Percentage of population in four BMI categories, India, China, Russia and South Africa, 2007–10.Ankita ShuklaKaushalendra KumarABHISHEK SINGH
Percentage of Muslim Population: 96.5% 3. India Photo: MAX PIXEL Total Population: 1,428,627,663 Muslim Population: 222,300,411 Percentage of Muslim Population: 15.6% 4. Bangladesh Photo: MAX PIXEL Total Population: 174,940,031 Muslim Population: 158,845,548 ...
It is manifest from the chart that the percentage of India’s populationshowed an upward trendfrom 15% to 18% between 1950 and 2002,being expected torise to about 21% in 2050. 如图所示,从1950年到2002年印度人口的比例呈现出上升的趋势,从15%到18%,预计在2050年会增长到21%。
Definition: Total population between the ages 15 to 64 as a percentage of the total population. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Source: World Bank staff estimates based on age/sex distributions of...
LanguagesPercentage of users as first language Mandarin Chinese12.2% Spanish5.8% English4.6% Arabic3.6% Hindi3.6% Portuguese2.8% Bengali2.6% Russian2.3% Japanese1.7% Punjabi, Western1.2% The above list is based on as a first language, all six UN languages: the Arabic, Chinese mandarin, English,...