Honduras: total population 2010-2023, by age group Total population in Trinidad & Tobago 2010-2023, by age Argentina: total population 2008-2023, by gender Ecuador: total population 2008-2023, by gender Total population in Antigua and Barbuda 2010-2023, by age Brazil: total population 2015-203...
Honduras: total population 2010-2023, by age group Total population in Trinidad & Tobago 2010-2023, by age Total population in Chile 2010-2023, by age Resident population of New York City, NY, by sex and age 2023 Resident population of Los Angeles, CA, by sex and age 2023 Resident popul...
The countries with the youngest population are found in Africa. Almost half of Niger’s population is under 15 years of age. Other countries where over 46% of their population are children up to 15 years are: Mali, Chad, Somalia, Angola and Uganda. All top ten countries with youthful popu...
Cuba(2024 est.) 11,054,00087 Dominican Republic(2024 est.) 10,954,00088 Portugal(2024 est.) 10,578,00089 Sweden(2024 est.) 10,578,00089 Tajikistan(2024 est.) 10,273,00091 Azerbaijan(2024 est.) 10,210,00092 Honduras(2024 est.) 9,895,00093 ...
Population density of 3rd ranked Singapore is the highest among countries/territories with over one million people. Hong Kong and Gibraltar complete the list of the top five most densely populated countries/territories. Among the top 10, six are located in Asia, and three are located in Europe....
Drought is increasing in the tropical dry forest region on the Pacific side of Central America that stretches from the Pacific Coast of Chiapas, Mexico, to the western part of Costa Rica. The drought is impacting portions of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Is there an ...
Honduras Hong Kong Hungary I Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Irish Israel Italy Ivory Coast J Jamaica Japan Jordan K Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan L Laos Latvian Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg M Macedonia ...
Honduras (Person mn) 11.428 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Hong Kong SAR, China (Person mn) 7.479 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Hungary (Person mn) 9.707 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Iceland (Person mn) 0.430 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029 India (Person mn) 1,503.471 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029 Indonesia...
the 21st century high murder rates and the threat of gang violence in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras also led to increased immigration to the United States. Many of the refugees fleeing dangerous conditions were women and children, including children unaccompanied by their parents or guardians...
Barbados281,968166654Ethiopia78,254,090432,31069 Nauru13,7708655Lesotho2,128,18011,71870 Mayotte216,306145578Swaziland1,136,3346,641171 Korea, South49,232,84437,911501Tunisia10,175,01459,985170 San Marino29,251231,263Honduras7,639,32743,20168