Population density, land area comparisonsPresents the population density and land area comparisons for cities in Northern Ontario. City of Greater Sudbury; City of Thunder Bay; City of North Bay; City of Sault ...
leading to a larger material footprint worldwide54. Consequently, our working assumption is that a greater share of pre-operational ETM projects may become operational under acute pressure to balance out global demand55. In addition, the International Energy Agency56reported that there is too little...
I hypothesized that wood turtles at their northern limit would have larger body and home range sizes and would travel greater distances during a shorter annual activity cycle compared to southern conspecifics as a result of a less productive environment in the north. I also hypothesized that ...
In a model assessing the predictive validities of medical outcomes, CCI scores based on the medical records and claim data, which were obtained for each individual patient, were categorized according to three scales: 0, 1 and 2 or greater. These CCI scales were selected as the independent ...
M. sinensis is an out-crossing species that can lead to a strong gene flow (Nm = 1.6493) and introgression among populations, so it is reasonable that the genetic variation within populations is greater than that among populations [41,42]. 2.3. Population Structure and Cluster Analysis The ...