Reports on the number of Filipinos in the 1990 census of the United States. Ranking of states with the greatest concentration of Filipinos; Increase in the population of Asian or Pacific islanders from 1980 to 1990; Population increase among Hispanics, Native Americans, Blacks and Whites for the...
Among generally more recent arrivals, many Koreans, Filipinos, and Indians have quickly enjoyed economic success. Though enumerated separately by the U.S. census, Pacific Islanders, such as Native Hawaiians, constitute a small minority but contribute to making Hawaii and California the states with ...
Some four-fifths of Filipinos profess Roman Catholicism. During the 20th century the religion gained strength through growth in the number of Filipinos in the church hierarchy, construction of seminaries, and, especially after 1970, increased involvement of the church in the political and social life...
Asian Indians surpassed Filipinos for the first time in the 2010 census, indicating the increase of migration from South Asia over the last 10 years. Even among Asian American groups encapsulated under the same ethnic label, there is great linguistic and cultural diversity. For example, among ...
economy. But it wasn’t until oil was found in Prudhoe Bay in 1968 that significant numbers of new people migrated to Alaska, mostly white people from the west coast of the U.S. Beginning in the 1980s, the population diversified as more Filipinos and Pacific Islanders began migrating to ...
Colorectal cancer, if detected early, has greater than 90% 5-year survival. However, survival has been shown to vary across racial/ethnic groups in the United States, despite the availability of early detection methods. This study evaluated the joint eff
Asians are the most diverse minority, including populations of Chinese, Japa- nese, Indians, Thais, Filipinos, Koreans, Vietnamese, and more. Asians don't have a common culture, heritage, or language but are all from Eastern, or Oriental, parts of the world, as defined by the US Census...
(22). As it happens, the Philippines are now Canada’s top source of immigrants, and Filipinos in Canada send back $1.5 billion annually (23). For the Vatican, this is a win-win situation. While devout politicians are trying to kill an initiative by the Philippine government to (finally...
The industry in the Philippines was unique in that most of the assets, both in land and in processing plants and equipment, were owned not by for-eign interests but by indigenous Filipinos who had by the 1920s become both very wealthy and politically powerful. Exports grew rapidly between ...
Since investigation of the timing of the skeletal traits among the acetabula of different populations is lacking, this study aims to evaluate the relevance