Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 21782 (2023) Cite this article 3321 Accesses 4 Citations 27 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The magnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events in the early twenty-first century have already proven to be increasing at a rate more quickly than...
The United States is a country in North America that is a federal republic of 50 states. Besides the 48 conterminous states that occupy the middle latitudes of the continent, the United States includes the state of Alaska, at the northwestern extreme of
Pennsylvania, constituent state of the U.S., one of the original 13 American colonies. It is bounded to the north by Lake Erie and New York; to the east by New York and New Jersey; to the south by Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia, and to the west by
Symbol shape and colour indicate the genetic cluster of each individual. Black lines indicate 1 standard error. c,d, Difference in estimated steppe-related ancestry proportions, using individuals from genetic cluster “Steppe_5000BP_4300BP” associated with either Yamnaya or Afanasievo cultural ...
To understand why the IHME and IIASA models differ from the UN’s, let’s look at each organization’s projections for fertility rate, which is measured as the number of children per woman. Based on this chart, the IHME and IIASA expect global fertility rates to fall at a quicker rate ...
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Section 5.3 examines population estimates for the country as a whole, each state, the four US Census Regions, the nine US Census Divisions, the 20 largest US Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), the 20 largest US Combined Statistical Areas (CSAs) and the 51 Jewish Federation service areas ...
How & Why County Population is Changing .. 2020-2023 For many counties the pandemic has impacted each component of population change: births, deaths and migration. The pandemic among other factors including climate change impact different counties in different ways. Learn more. Find out more about...
A sample of alternate sequences—a Radiocarbon-dated Event Count Ensemble (RECE)—is first produced. Each sequence in the sample (RECE member) is then used as the response variable in a suitable regression model. The parameters estimated for these individual models are considered to be samples ...
as predicted by each SSP. To compute expected annual exposure (EAE), defined as the expected number of people on land below the maximum local storm surge height in a given year28, we multiplied the value of each pixel within the probability surface\(P(H\ge E({{{\rm{lat}}},{{{\rm{...