Clive, Iowa is a small city within the Des Moines metropolitan area. It’s best-known for its Greenbelt Park, a trail and parks system that stretches throughout the entire community. #91. Coralville, Iowa American007 // Wikimedia Commons #91. Coralville, Iowa - Population: 20,645- Median...
Salt Lake City has an area of 111.1 square miles. Salt Lake City is the largest city, by area, in Utah. What was the peak population of Salt Lake City? The current population of Salt Lake City (209,593) is it's peak population. How quickly is Salt Lake City growing? Salt La...
Des Moines metro area grows 13% in 1990s; Census figures: Waterloo area loses populationASSOCIATED PRESS
Geographic Area Column. This column provides estimates for about 900 Jewish communities (of 100 Jews or more) and geographic subareas thereof. Many estimates are for Jewish Federation service areas. Where possible, these service areas are disaggregated into smaller geographic subareas. For example, ...
Sioux Falls has an area of 73.0 square miles. Sioux Falls is the largest city, by area, in South Dakota. What was the peak population of Sioux Falls? The current population of Sioux Falls (206,410) is it's peak population. How quickly is Sioux Falls growing?
Pork quality is an economically important trait and one of the main selection criteria for breeding in the swine industry. In this genome-wide association study (GWAS), 455 pigs from a porcine Large White × Minzhu intercross population were genotyped using the Illumina PorcineSNP60K Beadchip, ...
As % of Population AgeMedian Age Population 9.99 Males 9.99 Females 9.99Vs. State Median AgeMales by AgeFemales by Age Under 20 9.99% Under 20: 9.99% 20 to 40 9.00% 20 to 40: 9.99% 40 to 60 9.99% 40 to 60: 9.99% Over 60 9.99% Over 60: 9.99%...
Mitchell21.4 Miles Canova22.5 Miles Nearest Big Cities (Population 100,000+) Sioux Falls68.7 Miles Omaha215.3 Miles Lincoln231.0 Miles Minneapolis239.3 Miles St Paul246.8 Miles Des Moines274.9 Miles Cedar Rapids346.2 Miles Topeka362.2 Miles Kansas City379.0 Miles Kansas City381.0 Miles...
A portrait of Bay Area Jewish life and communities. San Francisco: The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsular, Marin and Sonoma Counties. Google Scholar Cohen, S.M., J.B. Ukeles, R. Miller, P. Beck, S. Shmulyian, and D. Dutwin. 2011. Jewish Community Study of...
The Jewish Federations of North America is the central coordinating body for the local Jewish Federations. A Jewish Federation is a central fundraising and coordinating body for the area it serves. It provides funds for various Jewish social service agencies, volunteer programs, educational institutions...