Total population in Costa Rica 2010-2023, by age Honduras: total population 2010-2023, by age group Total population in Trinidad & Tobago 2010-2023, by age Total population in Chile 2010-2023, by age Resident population of New York City, NY, by sex and age 2023 Resident population of Los...
The statistic shows the total population of South Korea from 2019 to 2023, with projections up until 2029. In 2023, the total population of South Korea was about 51.71 million people. Population of South KoreaSouth Korea, also called Republic of Korea, has one of the highest population densiti...
in millions(2021/2023)per woman(2021)MALE (2021)FEMALE (2021) India1,428.42.26971 China1,412.11.77580 United States of America332.91.87682 Indonesia276.42.27074 Pakistan225.23.36769 Brazil214.01.77380 Nigeria211.45.25456 Bangladesh166.32.07175 ...
人口:共计数据按年更新,12-01-1960至12-01-2023期间平均值为3,243,217.000人,共64份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2023,达5,105,525.000人,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1960,为1,327,496.000人。CEIC提供的人口:共计数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于World Bank,数据归类于全球数据库的哥斯达...
POPULATION DATA QUALITY, 2023 The accuracy of population data varies widely across countries. In order to take account of the problems and to assess the relative accuracy of population estimates World Economics has produced a Population Data Quality Rating (PDQR). The ratings cover three factors: ...
Origins of Population, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1948doi:10.1080/00221346308982389Schwartz, Carroll J.Morrison, Paul C.Journal of Geography
In this study we used a panel of 17 microsatellite loci to overcome this problem. We estimated from the founder animals and the live crocodiles the inbreeding, heterozygosities, the number of alleles, and their richness, and frequencies to understand the effects of managing a captive breeding ...
POPULATION DATA QUALITY, 2023 The accuracy of population data varies widely across countries. In order to take account of the problems and to assess the relative accuracy of population estimates World Economics has produced a Population Data Quality Rating (PDQR). The ratings cover three factors: ...
Peru: mobile gaming revenue 2018-2023 Costa Rica: share of children & teens researching online for homework 2019, by gender Concerns about things that might endanger internet security in Taiwan 2015 U.S. adults who say it's okay to look through a partner's cellphone 2019 ...
Total population in Bolivia 2010-2023, by age Total population in Antigua and Barbuda 2010-2023, by age Total population in Costa Rica 2010-2023, by age Honduras: total population 2010-2023, by age group Total population in Trinidad & Tobago 2010-2023, by age Population of Latvia, by gende...