Mutant alleles of blaKPC-2 and the pTRC99a promoter were synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA) and cloned into the pUCIDT-Kan vector containing a pMB1 origin and a kanamycin resistance gene. The plasmids were transformed into E. coli TOP10 cells (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA...
This chapter examines the size, geographic distribution, and selected characteristics of the Jewish population of the US. Section 5.1 addresses the procedures employed to estimate the Jewish population of more than 900 local Jewish communities and parts
Leslie Carrillo‐SaenzUniversity of Illinois ChicagoChicagoILSusie DaiIowa State Hygienic LaboratoryUniversity of IowaCoralvilleIALeah C Solberg WoodsInternal MedicineWake Forest School of MedicineWinston‐SalemNCHans LehmlerOccupational and Environmental HealthUniversity of IowaIowa CityIAAnne E Kwitek...
This chapter examines the size, geographic distribution, and selected characteristics of the Jewish population of the US. Section 1 addresses the procedures employed to estimate the Jewish population of more than 900 local Jewish communities and parts th
(Coralville, IA). Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were executed in a T100 thermocycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). 20 µl of reaction volume contained 1 µl of genomic DNA at 50 ng/µl, 10 µl of GoTaq® Green Master Mix (2X GoTaq Green Master consisting of GoTaq ...
the seroprevalence of NAb against Omicron variant is much lower than that against the ancestral virus. Our study suggests that this BA.2 outbreak and the exceptionally high case-fatality rate in the ≥80 year-old age group (9.2%) could be attributed to the lack of protective immunity in the...