阅读理解 Population and Size With a population of 610,700, Milwaukee is the 19th largest city in the country and the largest in Wisconsin. The four-country city area ( Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, end Waukesha counties) has a population of 1.5 milli
They talk about many ethnic neighborhoods,including German, Polish and Italian, and dozens offestivals that take place throughout the year. The city ofMilwaukee has worked to maintain its appeal by buildinga river-walk system and by trying to make the citypedestrian-friendly. The city also ...
The Wartime Civil Control Administration extended the evacuation to Military Area No. 2 in the summer of 1942, integrated census officials into the debates about whether to extend the evacuation program to German and Italian aliens and whether to introduce a national population register for military ...
2.The total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area. 3.The act or process of furnishing with inhabitants. 4.EcologyAll the organisms that constitute a specific group or occur in a specified habitat. ...
the 1980s (Brudney & Dobney, 1991) related in part to the establishment of crowded poorly ventilated homeless shelters and jails and the outbreak of cryptosporidium-related diarrhea in Milwaukee in 1993 that sickened 200,000 residents after a breakdown in the water filtration system (Garrett, 2003...
An estimate of the unaffiliated Jewish population is then added to the affiliated population. 4. Due to a variety of issues with the 2011 Milwaukee study, a new analysis by the Berman Jewish DataBank of that study produced estimates that became available in Spring 2015. The American Jewish ...
Chronic disease management in inner-city Milwaukee uninsured populationOnuoha, EmekaWisconsin Medical Journal
The economy of Wisconsin is diversified, with three major sectors concentrated in specific regions. Wisconsin’s southeastern industrial belt—extending from the state line along Lake Michigan fromKenoshaup to and beyondMilwaukee, the state’s largest city—is the primary factor in making Wisconsin one...
America's largest city is New York City, by far. See how the country's other big cities compare, ranked by order of population.
Detroit is the largest city, by area, in Michigan. What was the peak population of Detroit? The peak population of Detroit was in 1950, when its population was 1,849,568. In 1950, Detroit was the 5th largest city in the US; now its fallen to the 26th largest city in the US. ...