As of 2021, the Ashanti and Greater Accra regions were the most populous in Ghana, each accounting for around six million inhabitants. Following these were the Central and Eastern regions, each registering 2.9 million people. Since 2010, the total population of Ghana has grown to reach almost ...
While the centre of diversity of cowpea’s wild progenitor is suggested to be in eastern and southern Africa, based on the presence in the sub-region of several primitive, weedy and wild types1,2, that of the cultivated type is in West Africa3. More than 75% of the over 15,000 ...
Kazakhstan Population is forecasted to be 20.184 Person mn in Dec 2024 as reported by International Monetary Fund. It records an increase from the last reported number of 19.964 Person mn in Dec 2023.
Empty CellNumber of study populations% Region of the world Africa 60 43.5 Australia 4 2.9 Central America/Caribbean 13 9.4 Middle East 3 2.2 South America 1 0.7 South Asia 12 8.7 Southeast Asia 41 29.7 United States/Europe 4 2.9 Refugee/immigrant populationb 37 26.8 Afghans 3 7.5 Bhutanese...
Successful existence and perpetuation of any species depend on its reproductive success. In case of humans, the theoretical proportion of males and females should be 1 : 1, but this equilibrium was d...
Our sample (n = 282) extends significantly the Y-chromosomal coverage of West African populations (Senegal [5], Gambia/Senegal Wolof and Mandenka [7], Mali [2] and Dogon [7], Burkina-Faso [1, 26], Ghana Ewe, Ga and Fante [7]) both in size and number of surveyed ethnic groups. ...
Of growing research and policy interest are the experiences of people living under conditions of climate change–induced environmental stress, which e
Human settlements are usually nucleated around manmade central points or distinctive natural features, forming clusters that vary in shape and size. However, population distribution in geo-sciences is often represented in the form of pixelated rasters. R
[20] conducted a study which revealed a positive correlation between socioeconomic status (SES) and the prevalence of hypertension in Ghana, while Fateh et al. [21] found that individuals with low SES had a higher prevalence of hypertension in Iran. Moreover, cross-sectional data from Trinidad...
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达420,477.000人,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1981,为243,411.000人。CEIC提供的人口普查:中部地区:马克万布数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Global Database的尼泊尔 –表 NP.G001:人口普查。