Population of the Provinces and Territories of Canada Province Population (2016 estimate) Ontario 13,983,000 Quebec 8,326,100 British Columbia 4,751,600 Alberta 4,252,900 Saskatchewan 1,150,600 Manitoba 1,318,100 Nova Scotia 949,500 New Brunswick 756,800 Newfoundland and Labrador...
Population trends and the schools of western Canada The problem of this demographical study was twofold: (1) to reveal population trends in the four Western Provinces of Canada pertinent to the schools; and (2) to project these trends to 1965. That is, on the basis of the population tren....
[1981 census of Canada: population. Nuptiality and fertility. Canada provinces urban size groups rural non-farm and rural farm] Data on nuptiality and fertility from the 1981 census of Canada are presented at national and provincial levels. Nuptiality data include population ever m... CS ...
Population projections for Canada, provinces and territories 2009 to 2036. Ottawa (Canada): Minister of Industry; 2010.Belanger A, Martel L, Caron-Malenfant E. Population projections for Can- ada, provinces and territories, 2005-2031. Cat no 91-520-X. Ottawa: Statistics Canada; 2005....
British Columbia is the third Canadian provinces, both in area and population. It is nearly 1.5 times as large as Texas, and extends 800 miles (1,280 km) north from theUnited Statesborder. It includesCanada’s entire west coast and the islands just off the coast. Most of British Columbia...
Data for Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions and census subdivisions are shown in this table.This table is part of the topic 'Age and sex,' which provides age and sex distributions for the entire population of Canada. The 2006 Census data show the age group structure of the Cana...
Canada, the second largest country in the world in area, occupying roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America. Despite Canada’s great size, it is one of the world’s most sparsely populated countries. It has crafted what many cons
Yellowknife, city and capital (since 1967) of Northwest Territories, northwestern Canada. It lies on the north shore of Great Slave Lake, 5 miles (8 km) south of the mouth of the Yellowknife River. It was founded in 1935, one year after gold was discover
The population dependency ratio, the proportion of those too young or old to work, would rise for the first time after falling for over 40 years, while the ratio of those aged 15-59 would peak and then slowly fall. (Toronto Sun, July 4, 2010) ...
Estimation of external natural background gamma ray doses to the population of Caspian coastal provinces in North of Iran Background: The effect of natural background radiation on health is still controversial. However, it is clear that it depends on the dose received by the p... M Amiri,R...