The observed expenditure pattern reveals that among all the major Indian States, Bihar is the most vulnerable state having the lowest spending and lowest growth rate of expenditures. We also find Water Sanitation and Family Welfare to be the most neglected subsectors of HPS as these sectors ...
Aims & Objective: To establish gender differentiation criteria in population of Bihar based on femoral neck shaft angle. Materials and Methods : We used 200 antero-posterior view of pelvic along with femur bone digital radiograph, equal from both genders. Through digital radiograph of pelvic along ...
Awesome Assam is a Wildlife hotspots in the North East Region of India, Wildlife reserves likeManas, Pobitora, Nameri, Dibru-Saikhowa National Park andKaziranga National Parksare the notable tourist destinations in Assam, famous for highest density of tigers, large populations of Indian rhinoceros...
Journal of human ecology (Delhi, India)Pandey, B.N., Mishra, S. K., Yadav, S. and Dash Sharma, P.: Foetal wastage and infant mortality in four endogamous population of Purnia district (Bihar). J. Hum. Ecol., 11(6): 477-481 (2000)....
At the same time both are relevant for an understandingthe process of urbanisation.The present paper attempts to identify and analyze thespatial patterns in the distribution of Schedule caste and scheduled tribe population inthe urban areas of Koch Bihar district.Saha, Bikramjit...
Living with the mother-in-law, a young woman in Bihar has little autonomy, limited access to economic resources, lack of freedom of mobility and a limited role in household decision-making compared to cases where she or the spouse is the head of the household (Bloom et al. 2001; Cain ...
dioica plants of Bihar, Kanpur, North Delhi and Meerut populations and were completely absent from female plants.doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01346Kumar, JatinAgrawal, VeenaHeliyon
Morphological and Morphometric Study of Glenoid Cavity of Scapula in the Population of Bihar and its Implication in Shoulder Arthroplasty and Prosthetic DesignKumar, SanjayChandan, Chandra BhushanYadav, Ram SagarKumar, BinodSinha, Rajiv RanjanKumar, Avanish...
The morning and evening relative humidity exerted a negative low direct effect (-0.242 and -0.704) on the population buildup of niger cater pillar. The incidence of Bihar hairy caterpillar showed significant negative correlations with rainfall (r = -0.76) and evening relat...
Adolescent gynaecological problems in tribal population of Bihar (India)doi:10.1016/S0020-7292(00)82116-5S. ChakrabortvElsevier Ireland LtdInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics