an archipelago of 7083 islands in the Pacific, SE of China: formerly (1898–1946) under the guardianship of the U.S.; now an independent republic. 79,345,812; 115,831 sq. mi. (300,000 sq. km).Cap.:Manila.Also calledPhil′ippine Is′lands.Official name,Republic of the Philippines....
Population density(sq mi)3,94925691 Median age31.536.037.7 Male/Female ratio1.1:11.0:11.0:1 Married(15yrs & older)46%52%55% Families w/ Kids under 1850%46%43% Speak English37%56%79% Speak Spanish56%29%13% Overview of Bay Point Demographics ...
At the beginning of 2020, the world’s Jewish population was estimated at 14,787,200—an increase of 92,400 (0.63%) over the 2019 revised estimate of 14,694,800. The world’s total population increased by 0.92% in 2019. The rate of increase of world...
The group with ADD had a higher mean age (p value < 0.001), a lower mean length of education (p value < 0.001), and a higher frequency of APOE ɛ4 carriers (p value < 0.001) than the CU group, whereas no differences were found in sex (p value = 0.429) or ...
Greater Toronto Area includes the City of Toronto and the regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel, and York, In total, the region contains 25 urban, suburban, and rural municipalities. It covers area of 5,905.71 sq km (2,280.21 sq mi). There are total of around 140 neighborhoods ...
Department of General Medicine & General Internal Medicine, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan Hiroyasu Akatsu Medical Genome Center, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Research Institute, Aichi, Japan Kouichi Ozaki RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences,...
(n = 108), Mi’oo (n = 187), Sof Umer (n = 142), Dipekilfa (n = 104), and Kubi Walda (n = 121) were selected randomly by the lottery method from the Sewena and Dawe Katchen districts. The number of school-aged children was obtained from the school ...
Bay (E) sites. Solid and dashed lines were used to distinguish two different sites of the same geographic area where CTD measurements were conducted. Blue (lowerx-axis) and gray (upperx-axis) were used to denote temperature and oxygen, respectively. The data was generated by the 36th ...
Optical investigations of CDOM-rich coastal waters in Parnu Bay/Optilised mootmised lahustunud orgaanilise aine rikastes Parnu lahe rannikuvetes Parnu Bay in the Eastern Baltic Sea was chosen for studying the spatial-temporal variability of water parameters as an optically complex and semi-enclos...
We found high levels of population structure in Daghestan consistent with the hypothesis of long-term isolation among populations of the highland Caucasus. Highland Daghestani populations exhibit extremely high levels of between-population diversity for all genetic systems tested, leading to some of the...