Carl LM, Hunt C, Ihssen PE (1994) Rainbow trout of the Athabasca River, Alberta: A unique population. Trans Am Fish Soc 123:129–140Carl LM, Hunt C, Ihssen PE (1994) Rainbow trout of the Athabasca River, Alberta: A unique population. Trans Am Fish Soc 123:129-140...
For ungulates, the growth of new vegetation (i.e., green-wave) has been identified as a key mechanism influencing migration between seasonal ranges. We investigated how the green-wave influenced migration in a wood bison ( Bison bison athabascae ) population in northern Alberta, Canada, while ...
Rainbow Trout of the Athabasca River, Alberta: A Unique Population Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss native to the Athabasca River of the Arctic Ocean drainage differed at several allozyme loci from rainbow trout and anadr... LM Carl,C Hunt,PE Ihssen - 《Transactions of the American Fisheries ...
1229-50 Upper Fording River Evaluation of Cause: Calcite Page 4 Todd has facilitated technical committees as part of multi-stakeholder structured decision making processes for water allocation in the Lower Athabasca, Campbell, Quinsam, Salmon, Peace, Capilano, Seymour and Fording rivers; he has ...
Broad- and fine-scale population structure was examined by genotyping nine microsatellite loci in 1,116 Arctic Grayling captured from 40 sites in the Hay, Peace, and Athabasca River basins. Genetic diversity tended to decline from north to south (allelic richness versus latitude: Spearman's rank ...
The Saskatchewan and Athabasca River basins contained similar levels of heterozygosity but were differentiated from one another. Within the Athabasca River basin, five genetically differentiated clusters were found. Despite the evidence for genetic differentiation, we did not observe significant isolation‐by...
For ungulates, the growth of new vegetation (i.e., green-wave) has been identified as a key mechanism influencing migration between seasonal ranges. We investigated how the green-wave influenced migration in a wood bison ( Bison bison athabascae ) population in northern Alberta, Canada, while ...
Population genetics of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the upper Athabasca River basindoi:10.1002/ece3.8110SASKATCHEWANALBERTAPOPULATION geneticsWATERSHEDSGENETIC variationCHAR fishTROUTFreshwater ecosystems are negatively impacted by a variety of anthropogenic stressors, with concomitant elev...
ofoil (tar) sandsin northeasternAlbertais of particular concern, contributing to the pollution of theAthabasca River, which drains intoLake Athabasca, and also toacid rain, formed from emissions released during processing of the oil sands, which poses a threat to Saskatchewan’s forests. Smoke ...