Previous literature has established that lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people are at least as likely to be poor as heterosexual people, standing in cont
the ability to choose how many children to have and when to have them gets taken away. Something that's easier in less democratic settings. And not good news here either. Twenty years ago, almost all of our aging countries weredemocracies. Now, a quarter of them, those with median ages...
The literature on fertility in context of crises considers major crises exclusively as economic experiences, however, they are also social phenomena, affec
All in all, the country today looked like a land on which a neutron bomb had been dropped. Devastating the population while leaving buildings undamaged. A national Census was being taken! It was taken manually - and on a single day. ...
In looking at these sets of figures, something perplexes. Many of the worries about population growth are expressed by people in Western liberal democracies, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, among others. Yet none of these countries show up either in the list of booming...
also through an era of rapid education expansion for both sexes, the end of the breadwinner model as the standard, a major secularisation wave, a political reaction against the system of pillarisation typical for plural democracies, and the rise of post-materialist and expressive values stressin...
particularly in malfunctioning democracies that have tended to adopt suffrage later and have been more likely to have rules barring women from political office (Martin 2000; Nelson and Caudhuri 1994), increased numbers of women in the political arena might be expected to help establish ability to ...
(1961) of theOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada is also a member of the Group of Seven (G7), which includes the world’s seven largest industrialdemocraciesand, as theGroup of Eight(G8), had included Russia until it was indefinitely suspended from membership in ...
In hiseponymoustreatiseon public opinion published in 1922, the American editorialistWalter Lippmannqualified his observation thatdemocraciestend to make a mystery out of public opinion with the declaration that “there have been skilled organizers of opinion who understood the mystery well enough to crea...
of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada is also a member of the Group of Seven (G7), which includes the world’s seven largest industrial democracies and, as the Group of Eight (G8), had included Russia until it was indefinitely suspended from membership in ...