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Population Genomics of Date PalmsPurugganan, Michael D
1366Southgate, Michigan29,002-4.7% 1367Fredericksburg, Virginia28,92849.4% 1368Garfield Heights, Ohio28,900-5.8% 1369San Carlos, California28,8624.0% 1370Bridgewater Town, Massachusetts28,818 1371Suisun City, California28,7439.3% 1372Twentynine Palms, California28,734-0.6%...
the widespreadO. chinensis.O. rehderianais native to southeastern China where rice was first domesticated26,27. This region has been heavily populated by humans for thousands of years. Although seeds from the remaining few large trees have been successfully germinated and grown to maturity28,29, ...
ME Wood, A Lupattelli, K Palmsten, et al. Longitudinal methods for modeling exposures in pharmacoepidemiologic studies in pregnancy Epidemiol Rev, 43 (2022), pp. 130-146 CrossrefGoogle Scholar Cited by (7) Safety of herbal medicines used in early gestations among the Chinese population: A ...
Other land with tree cover has four subcategories: 1) trees in urban settings; 2) tree orchards; 3) palms; and 4) agroforestry (Figure 2). The area of palms more than doubled between 1990 and 2020, from 4.2 million ha to 9.3 million ha, based on the 83 countries that reported. Seve...
PALMSThe red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, is a devastating insect-pest of 29 plants including date palm. It feeds inside the tree bark thus it is difficult to manage using insecticides. Only a few insecticides have been found effective against RPW. Among these ...
oil palmsTHE molecular control mechanisms regulating embryogenesis are not fully defined. The appearance of morphological differentiation must reflect prior biochemical differentiation and changes in patterns of protein synthesis. In spite of the well documented evidence that m RNA is present before the ...
The index demonstrated palms (presenting the higher diameters at breast height) were the most preferred (~37% of occupancy) for breeding. Principal component analysis revealed that all local habitat variables (including nest height, tree high, diameter at breast height "DBH", number of cavity) ...
Microsatellites (SSR) are one of the most preferable molecular markers for the study of genetic diversity and population structure of plants. In this study, we found the presence of genetic variations of date palm genotypes in Ethiopia; therefore, these genetic variations of date palms is ...