Using the SF-36 measure to compare the health impact of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease with normal population health profiles To examine the relative impact of two chronic neurological disorders, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, by comparing patients' scores on the medi... A...
Through direct effects on health status and indirect effects by which social support protects against the pathogenic influence of stress, social support encourages health.50 For individuals with coronary heart disease, social support has been associated with lower risk of primary and secondary events,51...
Coronary heart disease (CHD) affects cardiac function (hypoxia, ischemia, and necrosis) due to stenosis and the obstruction of arterial blood vessels[1-3]. The pathological changes are mainly caused by atherosclerosis (AS), which has a high mortality rate in European and American countries. In ...
Approximately 4.9 million Americans have been diagnosed with the disease.1 Hospital discharges for heart failure increased by 155% during the last 20 years, and heart failure is the most frequent cause of hospitalization in persons aged 65 years or older. Within this context, heart failure ...
Compared to those with normal kidney function, the group with CKD were slightly older, and they also had a greater burden of cardiovascular risk factors and events, such as hypertension, diabetes, smoking, coronary artery disease, and heart failure (see Table 2), which most likely contributed ...
Air pollution remains as a substantial health problem, particularly regarding the combined health risks arising from simultaneous exposure to multiple air pollutants. However, understanding these combined exposure events over long periods has been hinder
Although being statistically significant, most states and countrywide associations showed negative correlations between HISB and actual stroke incidence. A plausible explanation of such scenario could be attributed to the nature of the disease or health-related states that are being studied, as the ...
across nearly all areas of disease. We showed that population-level estimates of the relative risk, and even directionality, often were driven by a single sex. Specifically, the jointly observed longitudinal patterns were most strongly driven by men, and the strength of directionality was weaker in...
Incorporation of laboratory and other clinical data and natural language processing methods would support creation and validation of additional complex variables, such as asthma, heart disease, or autoimmune disease. Death certificate data can be linked to ascertain the rare outcomes of fetal or ...
Also, PC patients who chose not to receive active treatment might be more likely to have comorbidities, including diabetes mellitus and heart disease, and to use cardiovascular medications than patients who underwent active treatment, which might have resulted in overestimated effects of these ...