Average age of the population in Italy 2024, by region Forecasted median age of Italian population 2025-2050 Age distribution of the population in Italy 2002-2024 Life expectancy at birth in Italy 2002-2023, by gender Life expectancy at birth in Italy 2023, by region Life expectancy at 65 ...
In 2020, the median age of Italy's population was 46.4 years. Italy: Median age of the population from 1950 to 2100 (in years) Median age in years27.527.529.229.230.530.531.331.3323232.632.633.133.134.634.636.136.137.737.739.239.240.840.842.542.544.444.446.446.448.248.2505051.351.3525252.752....
General Comments: Relevance to gender indicator: disaggregating the population composition by gender will help a country in projecting its demand for social services on a gender basis.Note: This page was last updated on December 28, 2019Home
World Population Fertility rate by country South Korea has the lowest world fertility rate with 1.1 by 2018, followed by Japan with 1.4,SpainandItalywith 1.3 each. India is ranking 1 in terms of population by 2023 with 1.43 billion people with 2.1 as fertility rate, and rank 2 is China wi...
to provide economic help for childcare expenditure and to encourage the diffusion of a balanced gender system at all levels of society. In Italy, these kind of measures can help reduce the gap between desired and realized fertility, which is one of the highest among the EU-27. In the long...
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national estimate) in Italy was 44.07 as of 2020. Its highest value over the past 37 years was 45.87 in 1983, while its lowest value was 41.78 in 1995. Definition:Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population ...
22 studies were located in eight countries: Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, and the United States. They characterized changes in biological markers of CVD risk (e.g., total cholesterol, weight, endothelin levels, etc.) following gender-affirming hormone ...
Each of these programs offers some fascinating insights into the challenges faced by migrants arriving in Mexico for the first time. Sister city of Segusino, Italy For instance, the program about Italian immigration to Mexico (above), explains why Mexico was seeking colonizers in the middle of ...
A breakdown of the population in China by gender reveals that in 2024 around 30 million more males were living in the country than females.
Population of Iceland 1769-2020, by gender Population of Italy 1871-2020, by gender Population of the Netherlands 1800-2020 Population of Portugal, by gender 1864-2020 Most popular sweets to receive on Children's Day in Poland 2020 TopicsGreeceThe European UnionThe United KingdomGlobal economyTurk...