However, such strategies may be less effective for patients who are disengaged from the health care system. As population care for diabetes continues to evolve, future initiatives should consider ways to tailor population care to meet individual patient needs, while leveraging improvements in clinical ...
Health care management Population Health Information Management| Tools For Diabetes Prevention THE COLLEGE OF ST. SCHOLASTICA Kathleen LaTour DavisKeira MThe rising incidence and prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes among adults and children has become a global public crisis and a gateway to a ...
Population health management refers to the steps healthcare organizations take to improve the health outcomes of a defined group of individuals. They may focus on a specific hospital’s patient population, a geographic area, a specific disease or some other unifying characteristic. This patient- and...
CANCER BIOLOGY & Innovations in Cancer Therapy,cancer metabolism,Cancer Prevention: Research & Programs,cancer-general,Health Care System by Country,Population Health Management,Population Health Management, Genetics & Pharmaceutical,Population Health Management, Nutrition and Phytochemistry, tagged...
Population-Based Approaches to Improving Outcomes and Reducing Costs of Chronic Kidney Disease Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Bayer partners with health care leaders to advance health care delivery through research, collaboration, and innovation. The idea for this supplement germinated from 3 educational...
such as assessing the health of the patient population. Possessing and analyzing this data allows providers to identify the greatest needs of the patient population. For example, if the majority of a patient population is suffering from diabetes and hypertension, PHM technologies can help providers ...
The American Diabetes Association and Renalytix will collaborate to improve population health and chronic disease management for patients with type 2 diabetes.
[we] looked into population health management and we also have other disease states where we've applied this philosophy, and it worked well. So, in our diabetes population, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, we set this protocol and the staff are...
The capacity of electronic health records (EHRs) to create patient registries, apply analytic tools, and facilitate provider- and patient-level interventions has allowed rapid evolution in the scope of population management initiatives. However, findings on the efficacy of these efforts for diabetes ...
Background: Native Hawaiians have a high rate of type 2 diabetes, but little is known about the programs and interventions that can support diabetes management in this unique population. Objective: To examine the efficacy of diabetes support services on improving self-efficacy and health among the...