Hinduism is one of the world's major religions to count the world's third largest religion (by population). It has about one billion adherents, of which 940 million live in India [1], second only to have more than two billion adherents of Christianity, and 1.5 billion followers of Islam...
Authentic Information with Reference, Muslim Population in 2011 is 2.1 billion, which is greater than currently estimated 1.7 billion, Muslim population Growth rate is 1.8
Most of the future population increase is expected to happen in Africa. The countries with the highest population growth rate in 2024 were mostly African countries. While around 1.47 billion people live on the continent as of 2024, this is forecast to grow to 3.9 billion by 2100. This is un...
* During the modern era, certain factors have restrained population growth, such as: deaths caused by the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. a decline in the average birth rate per woman.[33] [34] * Fertility (the average number of children per woman) is affected by: biological factors, such ...
the Mauritian religiouscommunities, and assisted by the rapid pace ofeconomic growth, the rate of natural increase dropped rapidly in the last decades of the 20th century, and it is now below the world average. Emigration, primarily to Britain andFrance, also helped slow the annual growth rate...
Bihar is one of India’s most densely populated states, with well over 850 people per square mile (more than 325 per square km). In the early 21st century the state also had one of the country’s highestpopulation growthrates. The state is primarily rural, with the vast majority of the...
Births, birth rate, infant mortality Deaths, death rate, life expectancy The most important statistics Total population of the United States 2027 U.S. population by generation 2023 Population growth in the U.S. 2023 Population in the states of the U.S. 2024 ...
Policy responses to population ageing have seldom been studied in Bangladesh. This article contributes to this research stream by asking to what extent pol
Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) has been used to gain a better understanding of the population’s quality of life. The authors aimed to estimate age and sex-specific disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) for urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, a
200 years ago there were less than one billion humans living on earth. Today, according to UN calculations there are over 7 billion and projected in 2100 it will be around 11 billion with the growth rate of 2.1. At 1 BC the the population expected to be 188 Million, and at 10000 BC ...