Combined review of: Yaëlle Amsellem-Mainguy, 2021,Les filles du coin: Vivre et grandir en milieu rural[Local Girls: Living and Growing Up in a Rural Area], Les Presses de Sciences Po, and Sophie Orange, Fanny Renard, 2022,Des femmes qui tiennent la campagne[Women Who Keep the Countrysid...
In: promouvoir et confronter les sources statistiques existantes pour répondre aux enjeux démographiques en Afrique subsaharienne, in Collection Sociétés africaines en mutation. Canada: Presses de l’Université du Québec; 2024, p. 504. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://extranet.puq....
It occupies close to 240,000 km2 of land area and is surrounded by Togo in the east, Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, and the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean in the south. Ghana lies between the latitudes and longitudes of 4°45′ N and 11° N and 1°...
Diffusion Du Virus de La Grippe Du Porc (H1N1=Hsw1N1) En France. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Virol. 1981, 132, 287–294. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Witte, K.H.; Nienhoff, H.; Ernst, H.; Schmidt, U.; Prager, D. Erstmaliges Auftreten Einer Durch Das Schweineinfluenzavirus Verursachten ...
There are more than 260 million people of Slavic descent worldwide, who reside mainly in Eastern Europe but also represent a noticeable share of the population in the USA and Canada. Slavic populations, particularly Eastern Slavs and some Western Slavs,