JAIPUR (India)MOZAMBIQUE tilapiaPOPULATION densityTILAPIAINDIGENOUS fishesFISH populationsLAKESAge, growth and production performance of O. mossambicus (Peters, 1852) in relation to proliferation of population density in Jaisamand Lake, Udaipur (Rajasthan) has been described and analyzed...
This combined with the city’s generous population means that Mumbai has a very high population density of approximately 73,000 people per square mile. This makes Mumbai one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Land is also at a premium in the city, which makes it difficult ...
The population density in 2002 was 319 per sq km (827 per sq mi). It was estimated by the Population Reference Bureau that 28% of the population lived in urban areas in 2001. The majority of people live in some 555,315 villages with fewer than 10,000 residents each.The capital city,...
StatePopulationArea (km2)Pop. DensitySex-ratio Uttar Pradesh199812341240928829912 Maharashtra112374333307713365929 Bihar104099452941631106918 West Bengal91276115887521028950 Andhra Pradesh84580777275045308993 Madhya Pradesh72626809308252236931 Tamil Nadu72147030130060555996 ...
Section > Chapter Sprafka, J.M.; Folsom, A.R.; Burke, G.L.; Edlavitch, S.A. Preventive Medicine 17(3): 321-334 1988 ISSN/ISBN:0091-7435 3405987 10.1016/0091-7435(88)90007-2 041054545 Article emailed within 0-6 h Payments are secure & encrypted ...
of indicators: 1) improve dog welfare; 2) improve care provided to dogs; 3) reduce dog population density or stabilise population turnover; 4) reduce risks to public health; 5) improve public perception; 6) improve rehoming centre performance; 7) reduce negative impact of dogs on wildlife ...
Punjab has a human population of 27,743,338 with a density of 551 people/km2. 2.2. Selection of Villages and Wards The state has 22 districts divided into 81 tehsils (sub-districts), containing 12,581 villages and 217 towns and cities. Of the towns and cities, 18 have >100,000 humans...
Efforts have been made to generate population data at the building unit using high-resolution satellite images, focusing on building density and area [11]. The process requires high-resolution aerial images with a resolution of 5 m or better to clearly capture building features. However, such hig...
Paul, A.; Kumar, N.; Mukherjee, T.; Chhetri, A.K.; Kshettry, A. Rosettes in a matrix: Predicting spatial variation in density of a large felid in a forest-production mosaic.bioRxiv2024. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Kandel, S.R.; Lamichhane, B.R.; Subedi, N. Leopard (Panthera...