Camille François,De gré et de force: Comment l’État expulse les pauvres[Willingly and Not: How the State Evicts the Poor], 2023, La Découverte, 240 pages. ByPascale Dietrich-Ragon,translated byPaul Reeve Pages 171 to 173 Clémence Léobal,Ville noire, pays blanc: Habiter et lutter...
2023;47:2173–7. Article PubMed Google Scholar Nájera F, De Lucas-Veguillas J, Vela Á, López-Fernández M, Martínez-Martínez P, Mata-Huete M, et al. First report of Thelazia callipaeda in a free-ranging Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) from Spain. Parasitol Res. 2020;119:...
EY a réalisé une étude pour France Silver Eco qui montre l’intérêt sociétal et économique de mener une politique forte d’adaptation des logements. Le gain en espérance de vie s’accompagne d’un accroissement de la perte d’autonomie de nos anciens. Il a été acté de ...
a relational model developed by de Beer (2012) which can be used to smooth and project various age-specific demographic rates. It assumes that an age schedule can be represented as a combination of a standard age schedule
2023-2024国家/地区发文量统计: 国家/地区数量 France42 Belgium5 England4 Australia3 Switzerland3 USA3 Canada2 GERMANY (FED REP GER)2 Sweden2 CONGO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC1 2023-2024机构发文量统计: 机构数量 INED19 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE ...12 ...
Population transcriptogenomics highlights impaired metabolism and small population sizes in tree frogs living in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Gene Expression Omnibus. 2023. Available from: Cited 15 Jun 2023. Download references...
In large groups of vertebrates and invertebrates, aggregation can affect biological characters such as gene expression, physiological, immunological and behavioral responses. The insect cuticle is covered with hydrocarbons (cuticular hydrocarbons; CHCs) which reduce dehydration and increase protection against ...
Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archeosciences, Histoire (CReAAH), UMR-6869 CNRS, Rennes, France David Cuenca-Solana Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia David O. Lordkipanidze Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia David O. Lordkipanidze IPND, Tyumen Scientific Centre, Siberian Bra...
San Martín GA (1995) Contribution a la gestion des stocks d′oursins: etude des populations et transplantations de Paracentrotus lividus a Marseille (France, Mediterranee) et production de Loxechinus albus a Chiloe (Chili, Pacifique). These de Doctorat, Faculté des Sciences de Luminy, Universi...
Evolution of the human pathogenic lifestyle in fungi Article04 May 2022 Tandem gene duplications contributed to high-level azole resistance in a rapidly expandingCandida tropicalispopulation ArticleOpen access15 December 2023 The genome of opportunistic fungal pathogenFusarium oxysporumcarries a unique set ...