de Vries KJM, Vroome EMM de, Sandfort TGM, Paalman EM, Tielman RAP. Paper presented at the First European Conference on Effectiveness of Health Education, Rotterdam, the Netherlands 1989; 12–15 (Dec). Wellings K, Orton S. Evaluation of the HEA Public Education Campaign: HEA AIDS Programme...
Mexico’s population in January 2013 was 117.4 million; 57.3 million males (48.8%) and 60.1million (51.2%) females according to a December 10, 2012 report by CONAPO (Consejo Nacional de Población) in “Proyecciones de la población de México 2010-2050”. By January 2014 it will grow by...
Berit Myhre Dupuy, Turi King, Adolfo López de Munain, Ana López-Parra, Aphrodite Loutradis, Jelena Milasin, Andrea Novelletto, Aslıhan Tolun, and Bruce Winney for assistance with DNA samples, and helpful comments; Lorna Gregory and the Oxford Genomics Centre for library preparation, target...
IRD, University of Montpellier, DIADE, Montpellier, France Edith Garot, Thierry Joët, Marie-Christine Combes & Philippe Lashermes Corresponding author Correspondence to Philippe Lashermes. Ethics declarations Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Electronic ...
La population du globe, de la France, d une ville … Encyclopédie Universelle population— pop‧u‧la‧tion [ˌpɒpj ˈleɪʆ n ǁ ˌpɑː ] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the number of people who live in a particular country or area: • a city with a ...
180 MTQ Martinique Fort-de-France North America 367507 370391 383515 392181 432543 374271 333786 326428 1128 325.8041 0.9965 0 130 126 MRT Mauritania Nouakchott Africa 4736139 4498604 3946220 3419461 2695003 2006027 1506694 1122198 1030700 4.5951 1.0263 0.06 131 157 MUS Mauritius Port Louis Africa 129946...
180 MTQ Martinique Fort-de-France North America 367507 370391 383515 392181 432543 374271 333786 326428 1128 325.8041 0.9965 0 130 126 MRT Mauritania Nouakchott Africa 4736139 4498604 3946220 3419461 2695003 2006027 1506694 1122198 1030700 4.5951 1.0263 0.06 131 157 MUS Mauritius Port Louis Africa 129946...
he was born on this date in 1887. A poet renowned both for his longer (narrative and epic) verse and his shorter work, he was an icon of the environmental movement. His philosophy of “inhumanism” argued that transcending conflict required human concerns to be de-emphasized in favor of ...
EY a réalisé une étude pour France Silver Eco qui montre l’intérêt sociétal et économique de mener une politique forte d’adaptation des logements. Le gain en espérance de vie s’accompagne d’un accroissement de la perte d’autonomie de nos anciens. Il a été acté de...
Lumingas L (1994) La plasticité chez l’oursin Sphaerechinus granularis en rade de Brest (Bretagne, France). The’se de doctorat de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France Google Scholar Martínez I, García FJ, Sánchez AI, Daza JL, Del Castillo F (2003) Biometric param...