Access the most recent census population information for Glendora, California, including a population profile and history.
Population by City, County, and Metro Area The City of Los Angeles is a very large one, it is the nation'ssecond-largest city(following New York City). The January 2016 population estimate according to the California Department of Finance for the population of the City of Los Angeles was4...
* Estimated population calculated from data and surveys collected over the preceeding five-year period, as part of the American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau. † "Population of One Race Alone" refers to those who identified themselves to the Census as of one race only. "...
The El Sobrante CDP (Contra Costa County) demographics data can provide indispensable insights into the composition, dynamics and needs of cities, towns or even villages, empowering planners, developers and policymakers to devise strategies that foster prosperity, equity and well-being for all ...
Population-Economic Data Analyses Relative to Geothermal Fields, Imperial County, CaliforniaGeothermal energy worldwide exists in diverse geological, ecological, climatic, and socioeconomic settings. The oldest developed field in Lardarello, Italy has been producing electrical energy since 1904 (Wehlage, ...
Access the most recent census population information for San Francisco, California, including a population profile and history.
California's population increased by an estimated 441,000 residents during 1984 to a record high of 25,858,000 people on Jan. 1, 1985, the state said Wednesday.
San Francisco, the fourth-largest city inCalifornia, is coextensive with San Francisco County. It is located in the northern part of the state between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay on a narrow arm of land that embraces San Francisco Bay, the largest land-locked harbor in the world...
Los Angeles, city, seat of Los Angeles county, southern California, U.S. It is the second most populous city and metropolitan area in the U.S. Home of the American entertainment industry, the city is also known for its pleasant weather, urban sprawl, tra
Boise, capital and largest city of Idaho, U.S., and the seat (1864) of Ada county. It lies along the Boise River in the southwestern part of the state. Because mountains to the north protect it from Canadian blizzards, Boise has relatively mild winters,