Clark County (Vancouver, WA) (2011)d 2600 2019 Greater Portland Total (2011)d 36,400 1997–2001 Salem (Marion & Polk Counties) 1000 1997–2001 Other Places 100 Total Oregon 40,650 Pennsylvania 2014 Altoona (Blair County) 450 1997–2001 Beaver Falls (northern Beaver County) 180 1997–2001...
Clark County (Vancouver, WA) (2011) d 2600 2017 Greater Portland Total (2011) d 36,400 1997–2001 Salem (Marion & Polk Counties) 1000 1997–2001 Other places 100 Total Oregon 40,650 Pennsylvania 2014 Altoona (Blair County) 450 1997–2001 Beaver Falls (northern Beaver County) 180 1997...
Despite the widespread implementation of public health measures, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread in the United States. To facilitate an agile response to the pandemic, we developed How We Feel, a web and mobile application that co
If there was no such matched person, a person will be recruited in neighboring county with same predesignated age and sex. In CLHLS, the trained staff had collected data from the elderly Chinese population through face-to-face interviews. The information included demographic, socioeconomic, life...
2012, State and County QuickFacts, Clark County, Nevada, (2012). Retrieved June 4, 2012,, Pre-publication history The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:
The eggs ofDendrolimus punctatusWalker (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) parasitized byT.dendrolimiwere collected on April 16, 2017 from the forest of Chinese red pine in Huanren County, Benxi City of Liaoning Province in China (41°10′N, 125°25′E). Hereafter, the wasps were reared at 25 ...
We found a significantly decreased mCVL at the county level following implementation of this treatment strategy. With the decline in mCVL, the HIV incidence and frequency of new HIV infections stopped increasing. Therefore, mCVL could be used as an indicator of HIV incidence [8, 10]. In ...
Ashford DA, Savage HM, Hajjeh RA, McReady J, Bartholomew DM, Spiegel RA, Vorndam V, Clark GG, Gubler DG (2003) Outbreak of dengue fever in Palau, Western Pacific: risk factors for infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg 69: 135-140
county-level population, population project* (where * refers to any other letters), population predict*, and population forecast* and additional terms used to find articles on estimating the components of small area population projections included age-specific migration, age-specific mortality, age-spe...
(county route × density) increase in the likelihood of mortality on those route types, given an increase in the surrounding road density. Interstate routes were the only route type on its own to act as a positive predictor for road mortality, with animals being twice as likely to be ...