The most reliable, complete and accurate source for subnational population composition is usually represented by country-level census-based data that cover the whole country population. Thus, for those countries where age and sex structure data were available from a recent national census, these were ...
E.g., we were able to produce population maps for Rwanda with 100m GSD based on less than 400 regional census counts. In Kigali, those maps reach an R^2 score of 66% w.r.t. a ground truth reference map, with an average error of only 10 inhabitants/ha. Conveniently, POPCORN ...
In the traditional population migration studies, the data is mainly obtained from national census and micro-survey data (Ke et al., 2022). For instance, Zhu (2007) explored the influencing factors of the migrants’willingness to settle based on the survey data of the floating population in ...
The level of compliance with the recommended antenatal care contacts among women in SSA was 9.9% (95% CI: 9.7-10.1%), with the highest rate in Sierra Leone (26.1%) and lowest in Rwanda (< 1%). A multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that age, education, employment status, ...
According to the 2016 census, the Greater Toronto Area has a total population of 6,417,516 whereas population of City of Toronto is 2.7 million. The Gross Domestic Product is $336.7 billion compared to $158 billion in 2007, doubled in ten years. The average household income is $104,378 ...
Population data are collected via nationally organised census studies and, for confidentiality, are typically provided at the scale of small administrative units known as enumeration areas. These enumeration areas vary in size within and between countries from ~102 m2 to ~104 km2, with 33 ...
Census data only identifies relationships with household heads and not with the spouses of household heads. At the earliest, children below age seven in the 2002 were born in 1996, about a year and a half after the 1994 genocide. If we allow a nine-month conception period for children in ...
A large empirical literature has debated the existence of a U-shaped happiness-age curve. This paper re-examines the relationship between various measures